Friday, April 27, 2012

So far in life...

So far in life...

       I have been going to community college for about 2 years now. This whole time I've been going to school I have always told myself, "at least I am getting stuff done unlike so many others," referring to so many others that come to school just for a financial aid check. Now that I have been coming to this school for so long I feel like I have accomplished nothing, and most likely should had already transferred to another school. I feel as if I fall into the same category as so many others who just go to school for a check. The main reason is that I am going to be 22 this year, yes 22 since I didn't start, nor had plans to go to school til around 20, and currently still live at home with no job. 
       These thoughts have started occurring just within this past semester. I feel as if I am not going to be good enough to do what I want to do in life. The classes, pressure to find a job, keeping a somewhat semi-social life with friends and family is starting to have its toll on me. I just hope that by the time this semester is over, about 4 more weeks at most, I can have at least 1 job interview since it seems I only get rejection from jobs. 
       Most of the time its the same old bs that someone more qualifying, or with more job experience has applied. How am I suppose to get to that point with enough job experience if no one will give me a chance and hire me? I don't really care if anyone reads this since this is just a place for me to vent my never ending thoughts when I feel like it. For those that do read it, please leave any suggestions you may have.